A great deal has been written about the challenges of working with disadvantaged families and their children but as yet no-one has offered any effective long-term solutions.
DYC believes that the best way to help disadvantaged families grow and achieve their potential is to implement dedicated personal development programs.
The saying, “Q: how do you eat an elephant? A: one bite at a time!” is apposite. Since 2002, DYC has been digesting every lesson learned and is able to offer a unique solution to transform disadvantaged families.
- Our unique personal development programs have been evaluated by Canterbury Christ Church University. It uses a powerful combination of mindfulness, life coaching and emotional literacy techniques that put a person fully in charge of their life.
- We believe that a person’s energy – or the totality of their Being – is more important than the things they say or how they perceive themselves.
- Our approach is all about self empowerment and social responsibility. It encourages the recipient to explore every aspect of themselves, practicing their new thinking and behaviours, whilst developing steps for a pathway for their future life, including their personal sustainability strategy.
- Before the commencement of the program/training, we create a respectful and trusting relationship with participants.
- Working in groups creates more positive, progressive and exciting results, including surprising individual ones.
- We focus on creating harmony between parents and teachers and provide teachers with a 6-lesson spiral curriculum including slide presentations, lesson plans and other resources.
- Our Learning Framework enables access to and deepening of a person’s neuro-biological potential, intuitively allowing them to take what they need from the program to create truly individual transformational change.
- Core results include building a person’s self-realisation and resilience, life skills, social, emotional and mental health skills and establishing a deep connection to their innate abilities and wisdom.
- Our ‘whole person’ programs are easily integrated into existing curricula. It’s an innovative approach for the Pupil Premium strategy, not just ‘parental engagement’ but empowering families.
- Using this method, a child/student is able to begin taking personal responsibility at Key Stage 3 to ensure they are better prepared for their future education, employment and for life.
- Using this program, a school could become self-sufficient after 2 years and rollout the program into their cluster.
- We believe that if this work was to be consistently applied year on year, it could transform schools, communities and society as a whole and would save the Government and local authorities £billions.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
Despite the success of our evidence-based innovative Canterbury Christ Church University programs, over the past 16 years we have been trying without success to persuade Government, and its Departments for Education, to change its stance.
These children are the most at risk group without a holistic curriculum to the detriment of the ‘whole person’. They are the least prepared for work and life. With the 4th Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence taking all the repetitive jobs, we must act now to empower children, with life skills, personal development and self-realisation to avoid a national social disaster.
We strongly believe that everyone who cares about the issues of these families must collaborate to find a better way forward for children.
We hope that in creating our “Campaign to Empower Disadvantaged Families”, we can generate awareness of the need to unleash the hidden potential in all children.
Initially, our main challenge is to find a suitable school with a visionary Headteacher and supportive Senior Leadership Team. If you know a suitable school please contact me alan.wilson@me.com
As a thank you for joining, please accept DYC’s latest 265 page eBook, “I don’t know you anymore – 7 steps to reconnect with your teenager” which is filled with information, tips and techniques using our unique approach.
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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead