‘I don’t know you anymore – 7 Steps to reconnect with your teenager’
By Alan Wilson
Download the first 2 chapters free
This positive parenting book uses my innovative family coaching approach specifically to enhance and sustain your special relationships with your teenager; enabling you to become the parent you long to be, and for them to be the person they are proud to be.
It’s not just about you! The program involves the whole family, inspiring teenagers to take responsibility for making changes in their own lives.
Together we can change your family for the better!
Of course, we love our children. But even the best of parents sometimes feel that they could improve their ever-changing relationship with their child. In fact, it is a sign of your devotion as a parent that you are exploring ways to make that bond stronger. It is a widely acknowledged fact that the most important job in the world comes with no training whatsoever, but we are on hand to help.
We offer a unique and varied range of tools and techniques within our proven approach.
It starts with you!
Stage 1
We need to get you in a place where you can tap into your most resourceful self. As you are starting to make these changes, those around you will have noticed them and it’s likely you will be tested. That’s OK, because the vast majority of people are not comfortable with change, just like you before you started!
Stage 2
When they are ready.
As you become more familiar and comfortable with these tools and techniques you will no doubt want to give your teenager the benefit of them to help them achieve all they want to. This part of the positive parenting book is for when they are ready. The most important step is not to force this on them, just carry on being your powerful self and exceptional role model, they will test you because they are uncomfortable with change as well. Soon they will recognise the value in wanting to change and will ask when they are ready – fantastic!
There are a number of exercises throughout the program, so you may want to photocopy the pages or transfer the details to a separate notebook or journal. And you can redo them after 6 months to see your progress. A great idea is to include your children and family in these exercises.
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