We are creating an open minded group support to help you explore your options for living in the moment and creating a more fulfilling future, join us today.
The Coronavirus tests our whole beingness and attitude to life, it seems our world has stopped, and this is an ideal opportunity to look at your life and choose with clarity your future.
I have a growth mindset, open to all possibilities and believe everyone has innate gifts, abilities, wisdom and unlimited potential. If in doubt, if it feels right do it!
A widely proposed cause to our health.
Boris rules OK! – Is this the end of free will, free speech and democracy? Do as I say or what one of my puppets say, it’s the same script. The once authoritative media outlet was the BBC, but they don’t challenge interviewees and if they do, we get the same script repeated back, unless there’s no script so they ignore the question.
Full disclosure; I’ve interacted with the Governments and Departments for Education over 18 years, frankly I don’t trust them, not a single straight answer to a straight question. The initial claims made for testing and International standards for PPE are radically different than actual experiences. When is the unlimited money promised to individuals and businesses actually going to flow?
5G and Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
An additional or alternative cause to our health? This aspect doesn’t have the same level of exposure, so we need to do our own research, don’t be put off by the label ‘conspiracy theory’ the deeper you go the more sense it makes, I wonder why if it’s the TRUTH why is it being suppressed?
The World Health Organisation https://www.who.int/peh-emf/en/ says Electromagnetic fields of all frequencies represent one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences, about which anxiety and speculation are spreading. All populations are now exposed to varying degrees of EMF, and the levels will continue to increase as technology advances. It seems current 4G mobile phones emit around 2.6GHz. There is ongoing research but no published research since the launch of 5G emitting up to 60Ghz.
The US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekNC0J3xx1w the summary is there’s no research as far as health and safety are concerned of the impact of the 5G network.
This 10-minute video https://youtu.be/zFN5LUaqxOA, Dr. Thomas Cowan’s talks about the increasing electrification of the earth and says in the last 6 months there’s been a dramatic and quantum leap in the electrification of the earth created by 5G.
An interesting article “The Dangers of 5G – Get the REAL Facts” https://www.emfhomeharmony.co.uk/the-dangers-of-5g-get-the-real-facts
So, my choice is to take the sensible health precautions promoted, add the EMF products and live in the moment, I will take responsibility to be free to manage my life.
Since 2002 my life’s purpose has been to empower parents and teachers to connect to a deeper level of themselves and become aware of a wider view of the world. We use a powerful combination of life coaching, mindfulness and emotional literacy techniques to create a growth mindset, resilience and to live in the moment. In addition reviewing the work life balance are all valuable contributors to your mental health. The key is our personal relationships and the critical one is the relationship with our self, which is going to be coming under more self-scrutiny.
If you would like to explore your options for living in the moment and creating a more fulfilling future, I will be hosting a small group conference on Zoom for like-minded people. Email alan.wilson@me.com for an invitation to access the next group meeting.
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