We need to change the culture in education. Government and Local Authorities are under enormous pressures to support disadvantaged families in our society. Since 2010 the services to support these families have diminished and in some cases disappeared completely, creating communities and a society at risk, particularly in areas of deprivation.
How many sticking plasters do we need to ensure children can raise or reach their potential in a broken society? It doesn’t matter how many £billions you throw at a multiplicity of initiatives, they won’t work because the system is broken.
A recent State of the Nation report showed inequality in the UK is ‘entrenched’ and social mobility ‘virtually stagnant’ since 2014 with the Social Mobility Commission calling for urgent action. A day before this The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee stated in another report, children’s services are at ‘breaking point’.
Over the last 17 years we’ve worked in schools, community centres, homes and Children’s centres with individual groups of parents, students and schools. We know this approach isn’t effective because the groups are in isolation without sustainable structures in place.
Our passion is to empower children from disadvantaged families and we have set ourselves a huge task.
- We need to change the culture of organisations that educate and support these families.
- We need to empower families to change their mind-sets, make different life choices and take responsibility for themselves.
- Empowering disadvantaged children could reduce a range of social issues and unhealthy outcomes that are breaking down our communities and society today.
Our personal development suite of innovative, evidence-based programmes delivers an integrated and cohesive approach to empower participants, they:
- Empower pupils with resilience, social and emotional well being and to take responsibility for themselves.
- Improve teachers work life balance and their personal and emotional well being.
- Inspire parents to achieve, take responsibility, feel better about themselves and become empowering role models.
- Create an empowering coaching culture throughout the school and community.
Canterbury Christ Church University evaluation stated, “The evidence gives a strong message that as a society we are underestimating children. When listened to, understood and empowered, they need not be passive recipients of ‘behaviour training’ but can contribute to loving, caring … positive relationships in their own families and communities.”
Critical challenges
Before we start training:
- We will need to create an environment of trust and mutual respect (possibly the hardest part, but we’re good at that and it cannot be rushed)
- We need 100% commitment from all levels of management and participants.
- The way we are introduced to the various groups is critical to transforming your culture.
Why are we successful?
Our core offering is a powerful combination of:
- Tailored mindfulness to calm the mind and experience living in the moment.
- Personal life coaching to empower one to step out of their comfort zone, identify and achieve their goals.
- Emotional literacy techniques to understand how thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions can be managed.
Our Unique Selling Point is a concept called the ‘energetic connection’, it’s similar to gut feeling and intuition but with more potential for a deeper connection.
- It’s based on the fact we are all made of energy, according to Socrates and quantum physicists.
- The better we feel about ourselves the more positive energy we are emitting and we have a stronger connection to those around us.
- Children are sensitive and tend to take responsibility for an adults emotional state; they unleash innate abilities and wisdom, they’re drawn to adults emitting positive energy and integrity.
The energetic connection is where participants:
- Connect to a deeper level of themselves and start to become aware of a wider view of the world.
- With practice they can expand their level of consciousness beyond themselves and have the capacity, desire and experience of making different life choices during the programme.
- They realise they are in control of their thoughts, feelings and emotions – they are enough and feel inspired to change their life!
Our Learning Framework shows the neurobiological potential connections, each participant intuitively takes what they need. They realise they are in control of their thoughts, feelings and emotions – they are enough and feel inspired to change their life!
To create an empowering coaching culture our programmes are experiential:
- In the last session participants create their own sustainability strategy, which is monitored and tracked.
- Each programme is designed and co-created by the participants, helping them feel more engaged and open to change.
- We identify and train Ambassadors from each group of parent/carers, teachers and children who go on to train the rest of the school to become self-sustaining.
- The greatest outcomes occur when everyone works in unison, parents/carers, teachers and children.
We KNOW that everyone has huge untapped potential and we have found the KEY to unleash it! Help us in our quest; let’s apply these proven programmes with you.
Together WE WILL transform your school, community and our society – from the inside out.
Are you a visionary Headteacher?
Are you a creative and visionary Headteacher with a strong SLT, ideally of a primary, who would like to change the culture of your whole school? Have you got the desire and commitment to make it happen? If so let’s connect.
Our Learning Framework is a diagram showing the neurobiological potential connections, each participant intuitively takes what they need: http://developyourchild.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2017/08/DYC-l-f.pdf.
The energetic connection and our programmes have been evaluated by Canterbury Christ Church University over a 2-year period with disadvantaged families from a deprived area. https://developyourchild.co.uk/canterbury-christ-church-university-evaluation/
Why is this critical: https://developyourchild.co.uk/educations-black-hole/
Our methodology: https://developyourchild.co.uk/methodologies/
Our vision: https://developyourchild.co.uk/about/our-vision/