By expanding your consciousness you will be transforming your children, yourself, your family and everyone you connect with.
I was talking to my friend and a Director of Develop Your Child, Linda, about the state of our education system and society and exploring what I needed to do next. She shared what she’d learnt recently from the sequel to the book mentioned below.
“Children born after 2000, will be teaching their peers and adults too and vice versa. Learning will not be by rote or with any set curriculum but undertaken by those who are interested in a subject – whether pottery, free energy creation, nurturing plant life, neuroscience or astrophysics – and these children have expertise, understanding and awareness well beyond our comprehension.”
Start transforming your whole world
If you have children in your life and would like to understand how and why expanding your consciousness could be the start of transforming your world and ours, (depending on your belief system) read on, but you need to have an open mind and accept that anything is possible!
From the Amazon page:
‘Christina (born 2001) is a young woman from Toggenburg, Switzerland. She was born with greatly expanded consciousness and thus belongs to a new generation of young evolutionary thinkers who recognise, describe and live human existence as a complexity of quantum physics, neuropsychology and spirituality. She has always shown remarkable insight into today’s world events and one cannot help but be astonished by her high ethics, her wisdom and inner peace that hint at a new dimension of being human.
Without being overchallenged in any way, Christina displays a completely natural handling of a multitude of paranormal gifts such as multi-dimensional perception, aura perception, clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, contact with other levels of existence, animal and plant communication and the like. From birth, she has also been consciously connected to higher dimensional spheres and civilisations of light.
A harbinger of a new stage in human evolution, Christina, together with her twin sister Elena, incarnated on Earth to spread light and peace. She says, “The lights are already here, all over the world. It just needs someone to press the ‘On’ button.”
The first book tells the story of Christina’s extraordinary birth, childhood and youth up to the age of 16, from the perspective of her mother, Bernadette. For Christina, it was a time of becoming accustomed to three-dimensionality, of being trained and tested in order to prepare herself for her life’s task. Christina summarises this task with the three core concepts of freedom, truth and love.’
NB: I’m not an associate or an affiliate I just believe everyone should read this book, as there’s ample evidence of what Christina has experienced.
The development of children
I was personally blown away after a few pages, because I’ve either experienced, heard or read something about most of the concepts, events and activities, but never the depth, detail and congruency that had been written, particularly from the development of children perspective – I was hooked.
I must say since reading this book my life has been transformed, I’m not going to be negative and challenging the Government or the Department for Education in future.
I’m going to share a couple of details from my background, which may help you understand where I’m coming from.
Firstly, I’ve always seen coincidences as a gift from the Universe and if it felt right, I would take action, sometimes it would be just what I needed or was thinking about, other times nothing happened – ‘yet’, as American Psychologist Carol Dweck would say!
Secondly, there have been a few really profound coincidences recently that are coming into fruition which will take our work to the next level…
And thirdly, if you’ve visited our website you will have come across mentions of children having innate gifts, abilities and wisdom beyond our imagination, which we as parents and teachers need to support them in exploring: the purpose of our work.
And the rest is history!
I met Linda of https://superconnection.world in the late 90’s when we were doing T’ai Chi and found we had a lot in common. I was exploring spirituality, alternative therapies and personal development and Linda was developing her own spiritual development approach.
We met on a few occasions when Linda would train me in her approach, and I would work with her on marketing. Much has evolved since those early days for both of us and Linda continues to help me when I get energy blockages.
Since 2002 when we started Develop Your Child, I had a sense that children had innate gifts, abilities and wisdom beyond our imagination. Thanks to our empowerment work in families, parents understood the impact of their energy on their children’s behaviour and proven our unconventional approach.
The action of some children was seen as ‘bad’ behaviour, ASD, ADHD, learning difficulties etc, but in reality they were frustrated at not being allowed to fully express themselves. The parents who went through our programmes transformed themselves, children and their whole family.
Back to the point of expanding your consciousness. I don’t think it’s a spoiler, but you will learn how children today are so much more capable of understanding and impacting the future of our planet than we are ever likely to be.
Coaching Parent Consciousness
Do you ever feel disconnected from your children, like they are in another world? Actually, they are. Everyone knows when a parent changes (becomes empowered) the child changes.
Since we started in 2002, I’ve been trying to find a scientific reason for the logical mind, in our evaluation by Canterbury Christ Church University in 2013 it states ‘The concept of energetic connection is difficult to explain in physical terms and clearly has spiritual dimensions’.
I’ve always believed that but Christina’s book makes it as clear as a bell, parents are operating in a 3rd dimensional world whilst some children are in the 5th dimension. If you’re open to explore, anything is possible. If you can suspend your current beliefs and reality, lets talk alan@developyourchild.co.uk